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Westwold is a vast area of forest, rocky hills, and farmland on the northeast edge of the village of Hawklor in Southwest Tysa. This wild area has had a history of less-than-desirable inhabitants over the years, including such denizens as goblins, ogres, and trolls.

You can explore the area, but you never find anything noteworthy.

Westwold is the location of the first big adventure every adventurer should undertake, The Caves of Westwold. At some point in 2019, the GM added two formal adventures to this location.

Adventures for This Location[]

 Hand of Fire Formal Adventure?

Location: Westwold
Description: Below you, strewn across the road at the spot where it rounds the base of steep hillock, are the smoking remains of a heavy wagon. Even at this considerable distance you can make out the unmistakable smell of burnt flesh.
Requirements: Must have fought against some bandits in the service of Harn Longaxe whilst traveling.
Difficulty: Scaled 9+, short/easy; low reward
This quest gives a chance to earn xp to all skills and powers.

 Out of the Sky Formal Adventure?

Location: Your journey takes you from Southwest Tysa, through The Hart Hills, Hawklor, to Westwold
Description: Out of the churning grey sky they descend, the droning of their wings a nightmarish din that echoes throughout the wooded hills.
Requirements: unknown, at least The Caves of Westwold and probably The Savage Wild
Difficulty: variable, but most difficult fight observed was around 9+@85
This quest gives a chance to earn xp to all skills and powers.

The Kingdom of Tysa
Northwest Tysa

The Stonelands

Northern Tysa


Northeast Tysa


Western Tysa

The Edgelands

Central Tysa

The Middle Kingdom

Eastern Tysa


Southwest Tysa


Southern Tysa

The Thanelands

Southeast Tysa


Saarngard Isle Iron Crown Isle