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 The Last Trek Out (AG) Formal Adventure?

Location: Axepath Cemetery
Description: Out of the wall of mist before you emerges a man whose stumbling gait and ragged, blood-soaked attire instantly has you believing he is yet another of the hideous, risen dead that prowl Axepath...
Requirements: None
Difficulty: leads to informal, up to scaled 12+

Note: This is technically a non-AG quest, but the locations it adds to Axepath are (AG)-only.

General Information[]

You meet an injured man within Axepath Cemetery who introduces himself as Teneroot. He hands you a Jagged Tablet Fragment, tells you where he believes the remainder of the tablet to be, then makes his "last trek out of Axepath." No rolls, checks, or choices are available or necessary; you can't even ignore, avoid, or refuse the tablet. Simply read what Teneroot has to say.



New Locations[]

Unlock an extra scenario within The Graveyard at Axepath Cemetery.

The Laurel Thicket[]

After you've received a description from Teneroot, you have an option to "Investigate a path winding off into a laurel thicket..." while going through Axepath.

If you proceed, you come to a clearing with three stone monuments, a tiered plinth, and a cloaked, hooded figure carrying a shovel. If you enter the clearing, a legion of skeletal undead claw their way out of their graves, leading to combat (eight opponents, scaled, ranging from 7+ to 9+ or higher).

Once you use Teneroot's tablet, you get an image of an axe in briars.

If you proceed further, you will face a Grave Warden, scaled at 12+.

The Stony Path[]

After defeating the lone Caped Skeleton, instead of proceeding into the tomb or climbing the hill to the east, you may also be offered an opportunity to investigate a stony path which leads west around the tomb. This area was also added on or around November 22nd 2011.

Update: On 4/10/2012, If you approach the Laurel Thicket scenario, above, and approach the Left Grave, Right Grave, and Middle Grave, over 3 successive axepath runs, you will get an image of a Mother, Father, and Child being "released." They leave you "Chisel and Hammer (Glowing)"

Using the Chisel and Hammer on the Stony Path, they go to work on marking the unnamed graves that you eventually arrive to. Once the description of the carving is complete, you get 1024 Exp To General (each time you complete this scenario, it will give less experience).

Walkthrough for repeatable part[]

Take path into Laurel Thicket

Fight 9 scaled undead. Giving about 10 combat xp each. Gain 72 xp once they are cleared. These have to be fought on each run.

Enter Clearing.

Check against Dread Random check (1-100 + Spirit * 1). 50 or more needed to pass. Next combat is presumably more difficult if you don't pass

Fight the Grave Warden (12+ Scaled, 78 SP, 24 XP) This must also be done each run.

Then on 3 successive runs investigated 3 newly dug graves. Fighting one Undead Hulk (12+ Scaled, ?? SP, 70 XP)

Every 3rd run after clearing 3 hulks from 3 separate graves you will receive Chisel And Hammer (Glowing)

Go down the stony path and use it there for a xp reward


Each time you visit the Laural ticket you get around 250 combat xp

Every third time you visit, after having cleared the three graves over 3 runs you get a Chisel And Hammer (Glowing)

Using this at the Stone path gives 1024 general the first time

then 768 xp

then 512 xp

then 384 xp

then 256 xp

then 128xp

After that it seems to 128xp every time.
