Sryth Wiki
 It came from the deep (AG) Formal Adventure?
Location: Port Hallik
Description: A 'While Exploring' adventure
Requirements: Quest: The Dark of Riddlewood
Saga: While exploring
Difficulty: Observed short, 12+ Scaled
This quest gives a chance to earn xp to all skills and powers.

General Information

Straight forward



A mass of slime surges towards you. You can:

  • Use Archery (10+) for 4 XP, or Telekinesis (50+), Destruction (50+) or Fortification (+50) for 8 XP: they have no effect and you are left with the remaining two choices
  • Hold your ground: you fight Massive Red Slime Cube (12+ Scaled, 250 SP, 8 XP), can't FLEE
  • Charge forward and attack: Random check (1-100 + Agility * 1.0 + Body * 0.5 + Luck * 0.5). 75 or more needed to pass. You lose 2 SP if you don't pass. You then fight Massive Red Slime (12+ Scaled, 250 SP, 8 XP)

You then immediately fight Red Slime (Risen) (11+ Scaled, 120 SP, 6 XP). When it is defeated, you receive 64 XP.

You receive a completion reward of 32 AS&P and 384 general XP.


64 XP for beating the slime

384 general XP and 32 AS&P

8 or 4 XP to skills
